We love Jesus. We love the South Hill of Puyallup. Our desire is for the South Hill of Puyallup to love Jesus.


This mutual love triggered a small group of people to begin praying about planting a new Jesus-loving, Bible-believing, Gospel-centered church somewhere in the South Hill.

In the winter of 2019 this vision began to take shape and God began to give us collective vision for what this might look like. We gathered a core group of families and developed our vision, mission and values. We prayed, served and shared the gospel with one another and God began his mighty work. Two elders, Noah and Jeremy, from our sending church, Gospel Life, led the charge and God went before us in supernatural ways and opened doors unimaginable.


On November 2019, we began meeting as a small community in a church facility kindly opened to us by a local church on the South Hill. During the next months, God grew this community that was fueled by the simple gospel message of Jesus Christ and loving relationships. Through community relationships, God connected our church with Dessie Evans Elementary School where we plan on holding Sunday Gatherings in partnership with the Puyallup School District. We are excited to have the opportunity to serve this school community on the South Hill.

We invite you to join us as this story, God’s story, continues to be written. “O Lord, [we] have heard the report of you, and your work, O Lord, do I fear. In the midst of the years revive it; in the midst of the years make it known…” (Habakkuk 3:2).